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 Green Energy

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Work starts on New York’s first offshore... South Fork Wind Farm is a 132 MW project to be located 19 miles southeast of Block Island, Rhode Island. The project is approved to install 12 or fewer wind turbines and will use Siemens-Gamesa’s 11 MW turbines. Kiewit Offshore Services will design and build the project’s substation.

Ethanol isn’t as green as you might... The carbon intensity of corn ethanol supported by the U.S.'s Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) is likely at least 24% higher than gasoline, according to a

‘This is punitive’: Kansas Senate committee... Senators heard three hours of testimony from anti-wind sources and just one hour from proponents of renewable energy

California PUC adopts plan to add 25.5GW of... The California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) approved plans to add around 25,500 MW of renewable energy resources and 15,000 MW of energy storage and demand response resources by 2032.  The decision also adopted a 35 million metric ton (MMT) electric sector greenhouse gas emission (GHG) planning target. That goal, also to be achieved by 2032, is tighter than an earlier 46 […]

Duke Energy aims to double renewable energy... The utility's five-year capital plan totals $63 billion, 80% of which will support investments in grid modernization and zero or lower-carbon emitting generation.

FERC receives two proposals for same California... The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission has received two applications for preliminary permits for a pumped storage project at Lake Elsinore in California.

MISO surprises with FERC Order 2222... MISO's long implementation date for Order 2222 is another reason FERC should schedule a technical conference sooner than later.

Renewable energy advocates are angry at planned... ISO New England outlined the "transition" proposal that will be submitted to FERC in the coming weeks. If allowed proceed, the MOPR would remain in effect for next year's capacity auction.

Wind project off North Carolina coast gets... Birders and organized labor dominated a recent public comment period, while beach towns were mostly mum. The Bureau of Ocean Energy Management will now consider the input ahead of an anticipated auction this spring.

Auxin Solar alleges unfair trade practices from... Auxin Solar named more than a dozen companies in its petition to Commerce Department officials.

Articles last updated at Sep 19, 2024 12:15:21pm.
Next update in 60 minutes.

 Green Zone

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