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Do you have an idea for something not listed within our website? Please send it to us! We would love to hear from you.

Use our Contact form to send us your suggestions.


Can you afford NOT to advertise on the Internet?

Business Directory:

Standard Package
Package Pricing
Monthly $19.99/month
Annually - $199.99/year
  • Business listing in up to 5 categories
  • Description of up to 10000 characters
  • 1 free coupon(s)
Premium Package
Package Pricing
Monthly - $29.99/month
Annually - $299.99/year
  • Business listing in up to 5 categories
  • Up to 10 image(s)
  • Option to embed YouTube video in business listing
  • Description of up to 25000 characters
  • Link to your web site
  • 1 free banner ad(s) (with monthly subscription)
  • 12 free banner ad(s) (with yearly subscription)
  • 12 free coupon(s)
  • Free Bold upgrade
  • Free Premium upgrade 




Coupon credits cost $4.99 each and are valid for one month each.




Weekly classified ads are FREE!



Find A Friend

Create a personal profile with unlimited updates and access for one month - $15.00.
Create a personal profile with unlimited updates and access for three months - $30.00.
Create a personal profile with unlimited updates and access for one year - $99.00.
Create a personal profile with unlimited updates and access forever - $150.00.



Real Estate Listings

Weekly real estate ads are $10 per week.
Unlimited Ads Monthly
Unlimited listings for one month are $50 - Perfect for Realtors!
Unlimited Ads Quarterly
Unlimited listings for three months are $100- Perfect for Realtors!
Unlimited Ads Annually
Unlimited listings for one full year $250- Perfect for Realtors!



Monthly Banner Ads

Location Pricing
Top Banner Rotator $19.99 per month
Bottom Banner Rotator $12.99 per month
Business Card Billboard $25.00 per month
Business Directory Block  Banner $25.00 per month
Homepage Block Banner $25.00 per month




Weekly auction ads are FREE!



What we offer:

Free Registration: Your participation is critical in making this community grow. Your input will be highly appreciated.  Register your Businesses, join our latest discussion on the message boards, suggest interesting web sites, list your event, sell your used items, find a job and submit articles of interest.

Local Business Directory - Our Directory lists many of the Stores, Businesses and Professionals operating in our local area. In most cases, we only list businesses that are located directly in our community. Our goal is to promote interaction between local Residents and local Businesses in order to build and maintain a strong local economy.

Local Events CalendarLocal Events Calendar - Find out what's happening around town with our calendar of local events. Does your church, neighborhood or organization have a local event coming up that residents can participate in? POST IT in our Local Events Calendar for FREE!

Local Jobs - Looking for a Job? Check out our Jobs directory for lots of opportunities in and around our area. Attention Local Employers!!! Post your available positions in our Local Jobs directory!

Local Classifieds - We have created the Classifieds page to provide you with online access to our local classifieds section. Browse our many categories or place your own Classified Ad. You can even upload a picture of your item for no additional fees. It's simple to create a user account, choose a category and type in your ad! Ads may be subject to approval.

Local Coupons - We have created the Coupons page to provide you with coupons you can actually use. Our goal is to create a local coupon "Network" of participating local businesses that will save you money and improve our local economy. Just Search, Print and Clip. It's that easy!

Banner AdsBanner Image Advertising - Place your banner ad for your business on our site. We have many different options and places to meet all advertising needs. Just login and click the Banners icon in your User Control Panel to place your ad today! This includes our Business Card Billboard ad from your homepage!

Resources - We offer many different things to check out such as News, Weather, Games, Horoscopes, Polls, Sports, Humor, and even more coming so make sure to check back often for new items. Make sure to tell your friends so they can also enjoy what we have to offer!

Local Jobs....................Looking for a job? Check here. Employers list your openings.
Local Weather..............Get up to date reports on the weather forecast.
Polls............................Let us know what you think on various everyday matters.
Articles........................Submit articles of interest to the people of our community.
Refer-A-Friend..............Share this site with others and help us grow.


Users Guide

to learn how to use all of the
GREAT features on this site.

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