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 Home Schooling Helps

The Homeschooler's Notebook - Homeschooling Helps

Communication, Answering Critics, Home from... More...
Answering Critics, Summer Fun, History for... More...
Tips for Choosing Curriculum and Aptitude Testing More...
6 Things I LOVE About Homeschool Conventions! More...
Developing Character in Your Kids More...
Helping Your Child Learn to
Just Talent... Or a Whole Lot More? More...
Lapbooks, Minute Books, Olympic Fun! More...
Bible Study - Rationale, Resources &... More...
VIRTUAL HOMESCHOOL FRAUD ALERT - Part 2 Exactly a year ago, on August 13, 2009, I published a Virtual Homeschool Fraud Alert that you might remember reading. My reason for sharing this information was to hopefully minimize the amount of families who might fall victim to these companies and their deceptive tactics. Little did I know that so many of you would share this information with so many others -- including your homeschool support groups, state leadership, HSLDA, etc. I had only hoped that some families who were considering one of these companies might find and read the alert and still have time to preserve their limited budgets for homeschool curriculum resources for the year. At the time I first shared this information, I honestly thought it was mostly common knowledge. For years there have been complaints against Mimi Rothschild's companies. Whenever I read a forum where a newbie was asking advice about signing up for one of her "academies", someone quickly jumped in to point them to lengthy online discussions with multiple grievous complaints -- and warn them away. I honestly didn't realize how many thousands of families had no clue that anything was amiss with Mimi Rothschild and her companies. I was only really thinking about families who were just beginning to homeschool -- those who would not have been around long enough to have seen the dozens of testimonies of families who had been defrauded over the past few years... (Read full article for more)

Articles last updated at Sep 19, 2024 12:02:14pm.
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