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Gift Shops:

Amy's Hallmark 
Address: 7842 Vaughn Rd
City: Montgomery
Phone: 334-215-2257
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Amy's Hallmark Stop 
Address: 1016 Eastdale Mall
City: Montgomery
Phone: 334-272-4099
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Barb's Gift Wears 
Address: 1923 Mulberry St
City: Montgomery
Phone: 334-269-2272
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Bits N Pieces 
Address: 201 Monroe St #158
City: Montgomery
Phone: 334-269-0270
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Brass Fountain 
Address: 514 Cloverdale Rd #2
City: Montgomery
Phone: 334-264-0296
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Address: 7274 Eastchase Pkwy
City: Montgomery
Phone: 334-277-1337
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Byrd's Nest 
Address: 2021 Mulberry St
City: Montgomery
Phone: 334-517-1081
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Candle Cabin 
Address: 8135 Vaughn Rd
City: Montgomery
Phone: 334-244-2201
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Dayanand, Janeth 
Address: 2400 Presidents Dr
City: Montgomery
Phone: 334-649-4200
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Earthbound Trading Co 
Address: 1000 Eastdale Mall
City: Montgomery
Phone: 334-395-8244
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Governor's Mansion Gift Shop 
Address: 30 Finley Ave
City: Montgomery
Phone: 334-241-8824
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Hallmark Gold Crown 
Address: 7842 Vaughn Rd
City: Montgomery
Phone: 334-215-2252
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It'z A Gift Interiors 
Address: 8127 Vaughn Rd
City: Montgomery
Phone: 334-819-7098
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Jackson Hospital Gift Shop 
Address: 1725 Pine St
City: Montgomery
Phone: 334-293-8821
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Jo's Hallmark Cards & Gifts 
Address: 7842 Vaughn Rd
City: Montgomery
Phone: 334-271-0539
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K C's Gifts 
Address: 1 Commerce St
City: Montgomery
Phone: 334-241-0645
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Pamala's Boutique 
Address: 7742 Vaughn Rd
City: Montgomery
Phone: 334-239-8650
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Periwinkle Distinctive Gifts 
Address: 8189 Vaughn Rd
City: Montgomery
Phone: 334-277-3570
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Richardson's Pharmacy 
Address: 1069 Woodley Rd
City: Montgomery
Phone: 334-262-5775
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Shoppe Next Door 
Address: 6317 Atlanta Hwy
City: Montgomery
Phone: 334-239-9114
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Southern Homes Gardens 
Address: 8820 Vaughn Rd
City: Montgomery
Phone: 334-387-0440
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Southern Homes & Gardens 
Address: Po Box 3508
City: Montgomery
Phone: 334-277-6746
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Spencer Gifts 
Address: Eastdale Mall
City: Montgomery
Phone: 334-271-8087
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Spencer Gifts 
Address: 5501 Atlanta Hwy
City: Montgomery
Phone: 334-277-9393
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Spencer Gifts 
Address: 1084 Eastdale Mall
City: Montgomery
Phone: 334-277-9393
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Tuesday Morning 
Address: 2576 Eastern Blvd
City: Montgomery
Phone: 334-395-5985
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Tuesday Morning 
Address: 165 Eastern Blvd
City: Montgomery
Phone: 334-273-0012
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Velvet Pumpkin 
Address: 8185 Vaughn Rd
City: Montgomery
Phone: 334-273-9293
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You Name It 
Address: 5350a Atlanta Hwy #a
City: Montgomery
Phone: 334-272-9878
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Address: 7936 Vaughn Rd
City: Montgomery
Phone: 334-239-9414
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